
Saturday, July 11, 2009


Last night I arrived at Sky Harbor to find out that our plane had a mechanical and there was no way to get to the East Coast, and no way to connect with our group going to Port Au Prince. Frustration to say the least.

How easily I am frustrated when the world doesn't work the way it is suppose to...or at least how I imagine it is suppose to. I like to think of myself as the kind of person who can get things done. I like to think that I am able to bend the universe to my will. And typically, because I am a white male, well educated, fairly affluent, and an American, this is more true than not. Except last night.

But then we are going to a country where people are subject to the whims of the world, nature, politics, and economic issues over which they have no control. We are going to a people who more often than not do not get what they want, in fact they just hope to get by. They have no illusion that they are in control.

Perhaps I have something important to learn from this trip. No it's not just about helping those less fortunate. It's not just about having my heart opened to the terrible conditions that so many in this world live with daily. It's not about even making some noise and getting others to help. Maybe I will learn something about those issues surrounding will and willingness. Maybe I will be able to appreciate the reality that the world does not revolve around me. Maybe I will have my heart opened to a healthy humility that will serve me well as I grow older and become less in control (bodily functions included).

We are trained to be the titans of our universe, but maybe the real titans are the ones who know they are unable to change the world, and yet they get up each day and offer themselves in this slog called life. And in doing so they do ignite a spark, a spirit that is the hope not yet seen.


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