Post Independence Day Musings:
As we celebrate our independence, wouldn't it be nice if we found some way to celebrate our interdependence. I mean we would not be a nation today without the support of the French during our war for independence. We would not have survived those early years without certain alliances with other European nations. The poet once said that, "No man is an island." Well, no nation is an island either. In these days of famine, terrorisim, and global ecological crisis, we would do well to realize in the famous words of Ben Franklin; "We all need to hang together or we will certainly hang separately."
How do we along with the other nations of this world deal with a nation like North Korea? How do we along with places like China look seriously at climate change. This is not a time for rugged individualism, but a chance to realize that only through cooperation with those who are different from us, can we make a livable world worthy of all of us.
I for one recognize that there are dangerous people and dangerous nations out there. We need to strengthen the organizations that can begin to address the issues behind such choices as well as provide a suffecient deterrent to those who wish to act "unwisely."
It is at times like this that I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln's response to his war minister toward the end of the American Civil War when urged to destroy the south. Lincoln responded by saying, "Do we not destroy our enemies by making them our friends." In the bitter battle between brothers Lincoln was able to lead this country into reconcilliation. How might we reconcile the various world views that are in conflict today?
I don't hae the answer, obviously, but it is time to begin asking the right questions rather than just pretending we know what is right.
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