
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween - Trick or TREAT?

Right about now, I can imagine there are many in the faith community raising the hue and cry about the evils of Halloween. Some see only witches and demons, and others see a glorification of the occult. I, however, see the gospel of GRACE!

Perhaps my appreciation of Halloween goes back to my youth and the fact that my day of birth is so closely aligned with this holiday. The end of October meant good things to me. It meant presents, parties, and candy! What more could a kid want?

That's my point! On Halloween we get to dress up and become whoever we want, and not what the world demands of us. For one night we are no longer slaves to the perceptions of others, but free to be what only God could imagine. (Now I know that some abuse this opportunity, as is the case whenever we express our freedom, but that should not detract from the beauty of the gift!)

Secondly, without deserving it, simply by showing up we are showered with good things. What other night of the year can I just show up at a strangers house, be welcomed and given good things? What better image of God's GRACE. Candy is given not because we have earned it, but simply out of love for us knocking at the door.

Yes, Halloween can be used by others to proclaim the dark side of life, but that's no reason for followers of the light to run away and pretend as if it doesn't exist. Like our ancestors in the past, let us take this holiday and tell the alternative story, the story of light, love, and grace. Let us joyfully participate in this one night of the year when we as neighbors get out into our neighborhood and experience the joy of community. Let us celebrate the God is the God of all nights and days including Halloween.

(By the way... another reason I like Halloween is that on this day in 1517 a German monk by the name of Martin Luther nailed 95 thesis on the church door in Wittenburg and thus began what we now know as the Protestant Reformation. But that's another blog!)

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