
Monday, August 30, 2010


Why? This is a question I ask myself sometimes as I peddle away in the monotony of desert heat called Phoenix. Why peddle through the heat of summer? Why put myself through such a sweat bath?

Well, there is always the issue of good health and the good feeling that provides. Yet, there is more to it than that. Today I signed up for my fourth Tour de Cure with the American Diabetes Foundation. My sister-in-law has diabetes. I cannot do much, but I can ride a bike and in doing so I am no longer just a bystander.

Two weeks ago I signed up for the MS 150 (Multiple Schlirosis). Another sister-in-law has MS, and I am forced to watch the progression of that disease without being able to change one thing. Riding my bike makes a difference.

This fall I will ride in the Tour de Tucson (109 miles). I chose to be a sponsor of a child receiving care through the hospital that benefits from this festival on wheels. I am healthy and this is a way I can turn my strength into something good for those who are week.

Why do I ride? I ride because by riding I can make a small difference in the lives of those who struggle. What gifts has God given you? How might they be used for the sake of those not so gifted? It is a question we a lll would benefit from asking.

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