
Thursday, August 26, 2010


Wow...amazing how God breaks in when you least expect.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend, and it was mentioned that she was in a read through the bible in a year group. I asked, 'why?'

She responded by saying that it seemed like a good thing for a Christian to do. Again I asked, 'why?'.

It lead to a conversation about the purpose of the bible and it's importance in our lives. She being a teacher, I asked if she was preparing a test would she test her students about everything covered in the class or focus upon the most important concepts. Her answer was obvious, which led me to ask if the same philosophy shouldn't apply to the bible? Again her answer was obvious and we began to talk about the importance of the gospels as the revelation of God's design for humanity and all creation. As Lutherans we are encouraged to read all of scripture from the vantage point of the cross of grace. In other words, we might best spend the time to go deep into the gospels before we try to figure out what else is being said in the New and Old Testaments.

Fast forward to today's men bible study and an opportunity to share the above story. The result was that most everyone wanted to do it! They wanted to follow the ancient practices of the church, and slowly digest the gospel as a way of understanding the bible as a whole. Wow! Rather than allowing ourselves to be consumers of scripture they opted to be consumed by God's GRACE!

I cannot help but share what I see as a mature hunger for deeper things. I'll keep you informed as our new study will begin after labor day.

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