
Saturday, August 22, 2009


I am aware that I always have keys in my pockets. The only time I am confident I will not is when I am in bed. Maybe that is why we are able to dream when we sleep because we are no longer about locking things up.

We keep keys around to lock and unlock things. They give us a sense of security and safety. They provide us a sense of importance. The more keys we have, the more impressive our responsibilities.

Keys, however, get in the way. If you don't have the right key, you cannot get in. You may simply want to drop something off for a friend, but now you are stymied because you don't have a key.

We use keys all too often to lock ourselves away. Those in prison are not the only ones locked up. How often do we lock up our hearts so that we will not get hurt, or we lock up our thoughts because we don't want to be challenged by a new way of thinking.

Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom. His image is of something new, something to explore, something we haven't experienced yet. He is unlocking the door to a future that is open to us.

Too bad, we often refuse to step into that future because we are locked behind dogma, traditions, or just our fears. Too bad we trust more in what we have stored inside our vaults rather than trusting in the generosity of this God who is not bound by time or space. Perhaps now is the time to allow the Holy Spirit to unlock our hearts and minds so that we might be in one accord with this Jesus new creation, and that we might be able to love as generously as he shows love for us.

Keys can be used to keep us trapped or allow us to experience true freedom. Jesus said that the truth shall set us free. Receive this key and step out in faith.


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