
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The elect and elections

Last night was supposedly about a change in course. The Republican Party, two years after its demise was predicted, struck back with a winning hand. Now we can look forward to two years of pundits questions as they anticipate what will happen in 2012.

What really happened last night? Was it a big vote for change? Was it simply an act of frustration by an electorate that has been beaten and battered over the past 2-3 years? Was it a desire to get back to basics?

Within the church, there is always this tension between change and tradition. We often profess a desire to grow, but quite honestly are afraid of the change it will bring. A recent quote I was exposed to puts it in perspective; 'We yearn for change, but cling to the familiar.' (Anthony de Mello)

Last night, I believe we saw just that, a yearning for change but we clung to the familiar with an iron grip. We are not sure we like where the future is leading us and so we tried to reset and restore. We wistfully remember the 'good old days' forgetting that they weren't necessarily all good after all.

I hope that as a nation we can figure it out. I understand the Tea Party's complaint that the little guy seems to be getting the shaft. I am concerned that we just keep upping the ante in this game of debt poker without really an endgame in sight. Yet I hope that we will not allow fear to be the driving force in our nation's debate. While we may or may not agree with all that President Obama has done or hasn't done, he is right when he says 'Hope' is the only way.

As one of the 'elect' it is my hope that we might allow the image of the peaceable kingdom, the messianic kingdom, the kingdom of God guide us as we continue in this national discourse concerning our future. I have hope for the future despite the current concerns, for I am reminded that hope is the belief in the things not yet seen. (Hebrews 11.1)
